Tuesday 10 April 2018

Phase 1 Part 4: Marvel One Shot: Agent Carter


The opening of the Marvel Short shows Peggy reliving the death of Steve Rogers, shown in the closing scenes of Captain America: The First Avenger and the obvious sadness that she still feels. 


Set one year after the end of WW2 the world and the SSR are very different now


Chief Flynn, head of the New York Branch of the SSR, passes Peggy over for assignment in favor of the men!

Marvel Cameo 4

Bradley Whitford

Bradley is most famous for playing Josh Lyman alongside Martin Sheen on The West Wing as well as a prominent role on Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip as well as  movie appearances in the trope busting Cabin In The Woods and last years stand out Horror movie Get Out


Whilst working late and filing for the men, Peggy hears Chief Flynn's phone ringing, but instead of finding her boss Peggy decides to deal with it herself, the disembodied voice played by Shane Black directs her to Zodiac

Marvel Cameo 5

Shane Black

Being the first person to be killed by a Predator on screen Black has appeared in a few film in small roles but his most impressive work is as a Writer and Director having wrote Lethal Weapon, Monster Squad, Last Action Hero, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Iron Man 3, The Nice Guys and the new Predator movie, he has also directed The Nice Guys, Iron Man 3 and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.


Considering her to be a helpless woman, Peggy uses their complacency and quickly wipes the floor with the guards protecting Zodiac


Finding Zodiacs location Peggy blasts a hole through the metal door and smokes out the remainder of the guards


having taken out the guard Peggy finds the Zodiac a blue liquidized weapon in a briefcase with a symbol on the vial

Peggy surprised by a hidden goon is thrown around like a rag doll forcing her to take him out with a knife hidden in her briefcase


Peggy returns to work the next day as Flynn emerges from his office asking why she went on assignment without telling anyone 


in the following argument Flynn uses the death of Steve as an example of the SSR's pity at keeping Peggy infuriating her, insulting her boss in the process.  Flynn threatens retribution


Returning to his office Flynn receives a call from Howard Stark, telling him that Carter impressed yet again and wanted her to report to Washington to be a founding member of SHIELD and to help her gather her personal items together


with the argument still fresh Flynn has to break the news to Peggy offering his services to gather her belongings but picking up her picture of Steve, tells them that she has never needed help....

Mid credit scene

Stark is sat by the pool with Dum Dum Duggan of the Howling Commandos, still in his hat but in a dressing gown. Stark tries to explain what a bikini is as they sit watching two women talk at the pool


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